This is why being a fan is a prerequisite to enjoying the game. The plot picks up after the third arc of the series and travels through all 8 arcs that currently exist and doesn't explain much about them. More so than a Naruto game, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure has so many characters, so many jokes and references, that if you haven't read the manga or watched the anime, you just will not care. Put simply, this game is for fans of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and no one else. I got the demo the day it was released and found myself replaying the very limited fights it gave over and over again. I got the demo the day it was released and found myself replaying the Eyes of Heaven is a game I've been waiting for since it was announced. It's without a doubt my favorite game that came out in 2016 … ExpandĮyes of Heaven is a game I've been waiting for since it was announced. Most of the time I'll just be mashing the X button to get through the dreaded dialogue and cutscenes. But every cutscene seems dragged out and dialogue between the Joestars doesn't feel like the actual characters. The story mode has a good story, the stardust crusaders have defeated DIO and are planning on going back home when DIO finds a way into heaven and creates anomalies bringing characters from different parts together, where they try to defeat DIO Gone to Heaven. The online is almost near impossible to play. The other being you cant change the difficulty of the bots. One of them being there is no co-op multiplayer. There are a few problems with the free battle. Some partners have special duel heat attacks, ( Like a super move that builds up tons of damage) so experimenting with what duel heat attacks do the most is fun. You pick your character that you would like to play then you choose your partner. The free battle mode is fun, includes around 50 characters that range from Phantom Blood and JoJolion. JJBA: Eyes of heaven is an Arena fighter with combat done right. This review contains spoilers, click expand to view.